- Electrical and thermal energy production
- Production, transfer,
distribution and sales of
thermal energy for
households and industrial
establishments; heating
medium - steam and hot
- Engineering
- Maintenance and repair
of power and heating
system installations
- Investment and trade
TPP is a thermal power plant providing
thermal and electric power for
households and industrial sector of Pernik. Its
construction started in 1949.
It was put into commission on 17.12.1951 with steam
generator ¹2 and turbine generator unite ¹2 and
four months later - steam generator ¹1 and
turbine generator unite ¹1.
The first reconstruction
was during the period
1956-1958. Turbine
generator unite ¹3 was
put into commission in
January, 1958 and turbine
generator unite ¹4 - in
June, 1958.
The second
reconstruction was carried
out during the period 1964-1966
and in March, 1965 steam
generator ¹5 with
turbine generator unite
¹5 was put into
In 1980 the first boiler
unit was was put into
commission and in 1990 -
the second boiler
Turbine generator unites ¹1
and ¹2 were disassembled
in 1993 and turbine generator unite ¹3
was replaced by a
turbine(1.2 atm). The
heater surfaces of the
standby steam
generator were
disassembled in the same
year and were replaced by
another type of boiler
voltage of the switch boards at Republika TPP is as
follows: 0.4, 6.3, 20 and 110 kV - double
barbus system; 6.3 kV is segmented, too.
The generators ¹3 and ¹4
are connected to barbuses
of 6.3 kV and
generator ¹5 - to
barbuses of 110 kV via a
transformer of three
coils 60 MVA 10.5/20/110 kV.
The own necessity
of 6 kV are fed by
the covered distributing
switchboard which consists
of 7 unites.

the grounds of article 23(3) of ZEER, article
9 of Decree on formation and applying of the prices
and rates of the heat power and Decision ¹Ö-002
dated 29.03.2002 of DKER - Sofia, Toplofikatsia -
Pernik EAD declares the limit prices of the
heat power - with hot water heat carrier for
the users as follows:
households according to PMS
(Government Decree)
Price of the energy
- 37.45 BGL/MWhth
Price of the power
- 0.05 BGL/m 3
Price of the energy - 31.367
Price of the negotiated
power - 2500 BGL/MWht
Price of the power - 0.108
is included.
Quality index |
Typical (rate) |
Rejection limit |
Lower burning heat |
2100 Kcal/kg |
under 1695 Kcal/kg |
Total humidity |
15% |
over 19% |
Ash and dry matter |
58% (maximum) |
over 62.5% |
Sulfur - combustible
substance |
1.2% (maximum) |
Volatile substance |
40% (maximum) |
Dimension |
0-30 mm |
Rate of grinding |
0.9-1.1 |
to the Master plan for rehabilitation
EKONO ENERGY rehabilitation of the heat
transfer system and stations will be done and a new
boiler will be constructed to make the best use of the
ashy solid fuel available at the coal basin of Pernik.
- According to the changes of the Law of the Power
Engineering the functions of the public agency are
to be taken by the Ministry of Power Engineering
and Power Resources.
- The Parliament passed
the Prime Minister's
suggestion the manager of
DAEER to stand at the head
of the new Ministry.